While Kajal and Samantha are giving a hard competition, Thamanna has scored more points in the year 2011. Though Samantha Prabhu is the female lead of the biggest hit of the year 'Dhookudu', her role is not of a prominent one. The collections could have been the same with any other heroine.
Its a forgettable year for Kajal. With disasters like 'Veera' and 'Dhada', she had to slide down from the top position. The feedback for her looks in the movie 'Dhada' is surely a wakeup call for her.
Thamanna, however got a successful year. With almost a heroine oriented movie '100% Love', she could turn the big heads at her side. Though 'Badrinath' and 'Oosaravelli' are commercial disappointments, they became plus points to her as individual - thanks to her glamour quotient in Badrinath and acting skills in Oosaravelli.
So, the Tollywood Heroine of the Year 2011 is Thamanna Bhatia.
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